Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally


Rebellions on Parshat Korach

July 3, 2024
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On this week’s episode, Liel and Sivan join us from the road to talk about Parshat Korach. Motivated by jealousy and a sense of entitlement, Korach leads a rebellion against Moses and Aaron. But he fails, and as punishment the earth opens up and swallows him and his followers whole. What can we learn from this split among our people? How, unlike Korach, can we better figure out our own life missions? And what’s this all got to do with the Lubavitcher rebbe? Listen to find out.

Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally
Rebellions on Parshat Korach
July 03, 2024
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Sivan Rahav-Meir is a leading Israeli journalist, media personality and Torah scholar. You can sign up for her The Daily Thought WhatsApp group, where Sivan sends small insights about Judaism and current affairs.

Check out Liel’s new book, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book, available directly from the publisher, or wherever you purchase books.

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