Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally


Good spy, bad spy with Parshat Shelach

June 26, 2024
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On Parshat Shelach, spies are sent into the Land of Israel, and report back on its flowing milk and honey. But the majority are scared to enter. Many Israelites even want to go back to Egypt. Now imagine yourself in the desert, Sivan asks. Would you go with the majority opinion, not confident in your and your people’s abilities? Or would you find the inner optimism needed to succeed? What’s this got to do with the great rebbe Jerry Seinfeld? Tune in to find out.

Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally
Good spy, bad spy with Parshat Shelach
June 26, 2024
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Sivan Rahav-Meir is a leading Israeli journalist, media personality and Torah scholar. You can sign up for her The Daily Thought WhatsApp group, where Sivan sends small insights about Judaism and current affairs.

Check out Liel’s new book, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book, available directly from the publisher, or wherever you purchase books.

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