Israel Update

The ‘Color Revolution’ Fails

Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the Biden administration’s attempts to arrange a color revolution in Israel

June 19, 2024

The repeated attempts of the Biden administration to arrange a color revolution in Israel in order to topple Netanyahu’s government are failing— partly because the Israeli “resistance” is unable to muster more than a few thousand chronic never-Bibi protesters. Israelis have no patience with people threatening to “paralyze the country” when so many are sending their sons and daughters to risk their lives in Gaza. Also: Gadi and Mike disagreed on whether IDF brass insubordination is becoming a real problem in Israel’s ability to win the war.


Israel Update
The 'Color Revolution' Fails
Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the Biden administration's attempts to arrange a color revolution in Israel
June 19, 2024
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