Tablet Magazine
What Really Matters

Trouble in China

Walter and Jeremy talk home schooling, the U.S.-Japan-South Korea security pact, AI’s threat to the nation-state, China’s economic woes, ‘The Magic Flute,’ and Walter’s evening with Fidel Castro

August 25, 2023
Tablet Magazine

Walter and Jeremy talk home schooling, the U.S.-Japan-South Korea security pact, AI’s threat to the nation-state, China’s economic woes, The Magic Flute, and Walter’s evening with Fidel Castro.

What Really Matters
Trouble in China
Walter and Jeremy talk home schooling, the U.S.-Japan-South Korea security pact, AI’s threat to the nation-state, China’s economic woes, ‘The Magic Flute,’ and Walter’s evening with Fidel Castro
August 25, 2023
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Each week on What Really Matters, Walter Russell Mead and Jeremy Stern help you understand the news, decide what matters and what doesn’t, and enjoy following the story of America and the world more than you do now. For more, check out You can read Walter Russell Mead’s Tablet column here, and check out more from Tablet here.

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