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Today on Tablet

Defending Wiesenthal, not healing the world, and more

Unknown Author
September 03, 2010

Today in Tablet Magazine, Ron Rosenbaum praises famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, arguing that many of his so-called imperfections were necessary to the fulfillment of his mission. Marissa Brostoff examines David Horowitz’s philosophical attack on tikkun olam—that it is Jews’ responsibility to “heal the world”—in favor of “a kind of anti-humanist existentialism.” Next week’s Vox Tablet podcast comes early, as host Sara Ivry and Rabbi Andy Bachman introspectively stroll around Brooklyn’s Mount Carmel Cemetery. In this week’s haftorah, Liel Leibovitz finds that even God finds fatherhood difficult. The Scroll would like to see God trying eight posts a day five days a week.

These articles are not currently attributed to anyone. We’re working on it!