Tablet Magazine

05 July 2024
29 Sivan 5784


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What Really Matters

The Geopolitics of Biden’s Decline

This week, Walter and Jeremy discuss the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision, the collapse of the political center in France, the Haredi military conscription debate in Israel, and the international repercussions of Biden’s disastrous debate

July 2, 2024

Navigate to What Is ‘Right’ and What Is ‘Left’ in Israel? podcast page

Israel Update

What Is ‘Right’ and What Is ‘Left’ in Israel?

Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the presidential debate in America, and the debate over Haredi military service in Israel

July 3, 2024

Navigate to Korach podcast page

Sivan Says: Taking the Torah Personally


Rebellions on Parshat Korach

July 3, 2024

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From the Archive

  • France’s Nightmare Is Yours Now

    How the Oct. 7 massacres in Israel gave birth to a global pogrom


  • Israel on the Front Lines

    The former prime minister of France explains that Israel fights in Gaza not only to defend itself, but to protect the values and security of a civilization under siege by an army of cowards and negationists


  • Israel’s French New Wave

    The growing and distinctly western Mediterranean olim are a boon to Israel but a dark omen for the future of France


  • France’s Great Debate Over the Sources and Meaning of Muslim Terror

    A rivalry between the country’s two most prominent ‘Islamologists,’ Olivier Roy and Gilles Kepel, holds the key to understanding the existential and geopolitical tensions in France’s bloody reality


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